Episode 12- Resting In Overwhelm

Ask yourself- How is your maxed-out, stressed-out, multitasking life working for you? Is all your activity and stressing out getting the results you desire? When we learn to practice a healthy rhythm of work and rest, we open our lives to experiencing MORE…more joy, more satisfaction, more peace and more empowerment to live on purpose and with passion.  When we prioritize rest we take back control of our lives. The kind of rest required to achieve this is a supernatural rest, yet very attainable.
While physical rest repairs the daily injuries to your body and mind, a lifestyle of continually resting in Christ, in his strength, in his joy and in his power can move us from merely surviving to thriving. Resting in Christ holds our souls and spirits in a safe place regenerating us with new energy, hope, and strength. Come with me to this safe place.

Tammy Unger

Episode 12- Resting In Overwhelm

Tammy Unger         Tammy Unger        
Episode 12- Resting In Overwhelm           Episode 12- Resting In Overwhelm          
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